Frequently Asked Questions

Please take some time to go through this page as it contains some of the most frequent and general questions asked about our services.

It is not supposed to be a complete list, however, it can probably answer most of the simple questions that an independent traveller may have, when planning his / her holiday for the summer.

Just click on the question you have, in order to open up the answer.

For your car hire, we offer our very competitive car hire services. Corfu car rent

Yes. Please enquire for our very competitive rates.

Yes and it is 500 Euros.

You need to bring back the car at the same petrol level you have picked it up.

We can deliver everywhere in Corfu.

It is 23 years old and they must have a 2 year old licence.

All car licences are valid in Corfu and Greece, as long as they have not expired.


No. Unless otherwhise specified and agreed in writing with Yannis Rent a Car.


Yes, it is 2 euros per day

No. We will provide you with one.

For any emergency use the phone numbers below 0030 2663081070, mob: 0030 6906794305 Please note that if you call from a local phone omit the 0030 country code.